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end of life planning

How to Ensure Quality in End of Life Planning

We lawyers prepare powers-of-attorney documents so that when our clients can no longer act for themselves, the documents will convey on other trusted people the authority to act on our clients’ behalf. But when it comes to actually using those…

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New Parents Need an Estate Plan to Protect Young Families

It is better to have a plan in place for the unimaginable, than to leave a family without guidance and protection. Experienced parents smile at memories of how tiny babies, especially first-borns, completely turn households upside down. Welcoming a new…

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Some Medicare Premiums Reflecting IRMAA Surcharge

The increase may only be temporary for some, but others are seeing big changes in their Medicare bills. Plan ahead for this additional cost. Have you started seeing a separate invoice from Medicare, in addition to the deductions taken from…

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Why Everyone Needs a Will

Your net worth has very little to do with why you need a will. Everyone needs a will and an estate plan. The will does more than give you a chance to distribute your property as you see fit. Having…

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Exploring the Need for a Trust

This is a common question we hear. Read on for information to help figure out whether you need a trust and, if so, what kind fits your specific situation. For example, maybe you have a disabled child and you want…

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Medicare Leveraging the Latest Technologies

Many seniors who are financially stable and choosing to age in place already have a “smart” home employing the sorts of technology that can prolong their independent living circumstances. Family caregivers are freer to move about their daily lives knowing…

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Is There a Limit to the Number of IRAs I Can Own?

Few people actually plan to have multiple IRAs, but it happens, usually after starting a new job, when it’s easier just to open a new IRA rather than deal with a rollover. Traditional IRA, Roth, SEP, spousal—there’s no legal limit…

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Second Marriages and Money

Getting married for the second, or third, time, is a little more complicated than first-time marriages. There are usually children to consider, and assets, like a home and retirement savings. By the time you’re ready to walk down the aisle…

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