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Working Past 65? Here’s What You Need to Know

Whether you are working because you love what you do or because you need the extra money, there are certain steps to take to make the most out of working past the usual retirement age. Working long after your peers…

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Should You Leave Money for Your Kids? How Much?

Money and families can be very complicated. How do you know how much money to leave to your children, or if you want to leave anything at all? Different generations and different socioeconomic groups have different beliefs about whether or…

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Don’t Create a Legal Disaster as Your Legacy

Estate planning attorneys often get calls from families trying to untangle the messes created by people who think they can write a will or go online to use a form. We are a nation of do-it-yourselfers. With the many helpful…

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Tax Deferred Accounts Are Great, Until They Aren’t!

Here’s an example of how the best made plans can be undermined. Your 401(k), 403(b) or IRA accounts are robust and healthy, and then a tax law changes. As a result, there’s less money for your retirement. A serious retirement…

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Are Trusts Valid in All States?

If a trust is created in one state, but the beneficiaries live in another state and the couple who originally created the trust move to a third state, is the trust still valid? In summary, the general answer is yes.…

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