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Becoming a Successful Family Caregiver

Approximately 17 percent of the U.S. population is a family caregiver, and most are losing sleep, worrying, losing income, and struggling with caregiving tasks while balancing their workload and other family responsibilities. 53 million Americans provide care for older relatives…

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Does Early-Onset Alzheimer’s Affect You?

You may feel like you are experiencing early dementia, but it may be something else altogether. Of the 5.3 million Americans with Alzheimer’s Disease, approximately 200,000 are under the age of 65. Known as Early-Onset Alzheimer’s, the disease typically strikes people…

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Your Marital Status Affects Social Security Benefits

Marriage, divorce, or losing a spouse are all emotional experiences, but they are also financial ones. One thing to think about is how marital status changes your social security benefits. Understanding your options in different situations removes the burden of decision-making…

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Comparing Estate Planning and Elder Law

Estate planning and elder law differ from one another as you prepare for the future, both in terms of finances and health needs. Estate planning and elder law also have some similarities. Even though these two types of law are for…

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Why Some Veterans Do Not Receive Disability Benefits

With the growing population of US military veterans --currently about 19 million-- there is an expansion of health, education, home loan, and other veteran benefits. VA disability payments are one of the most common entitlements veterans overlook yet are often…

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Wills: How They Work

Wills serve as legal directives regarding who will inherit your property after you die and are an essential component of a comprehensive estate plan. If you die without one (intestate), the state will distribute your assets and property via state…

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Long-Term Care and Veterans’ Benefits

Can veteran Department of Veterans Affairs benefits be used to help cover the costs of long-term care for veterans? The answer is, as with most governmental things, complicated. A much-underused pension benefit known as Aid and Attendance can provide some…

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The Process of Qualifying for SSDI and SSI

The US government may offer free health insurance and benefits to disabled workers whose medical conditions prevent them from working. About twenty million disabled Americans currently receive assistance from the Social Security Administration (SSA) for disability through SSI and SSDI.…

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