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alzheimer's disease

Be Aware of These Alzheimer’s Factors

According to the Alzheimer’s Association, Alzheimer’s disease is a type of dementia that causes problems with memory, thinking, and behavior. Symptoms usually develop slowly and get worse over time, becoming severe enough to interfere with daily tasks. Alzheimer’s affects a…

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healthy aging

Healthy Aging and Family Connection are Related

One cannot overstate the importance of family presence in a senior's life. Family creates a consistent social network and connection that directly impacts the senior's overall quality of life. Prioritizing family relationships provides continuity as a senior experiences change in…

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Medicaid divorce

What is a Medicaid Divorce?

Harry and Wanda got married late in life. This was their second marriage, and both had children from prior marriages. The couple wanted their children to inherit from their respective parents, so Harry and Wanda signed a prenuptial agreement to…

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nursing home

Watch Out for These Nursing Home Contract Mistakes

Suppose your mother can no longer make decisions for herself and she now needs nursing-home care. You are stressed and anxious. The nursing home puts a twenty-page, single-spaced contract in front of you. You wish you could flip straight to…

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end of life

Making Sure Your Wishes Are Carried Out

The importance of making end of life preparations cannot be stressed enough. Many put off making these plans thinking there is always time. The sad reality is that none of us are guaranteed time. Others may be bothered by the…

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Divorce and Your Estate Plan: Don’t Make Mistakes Here

With or without children, divorce is a complicated transaction, with many moving parts. Things happen during a divorce, which can sometimes take years to complete. One part that is often overlooked is the estate plan, which should be updated as…

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reducing loneliness

Seniors Reducing Loneliness with Technology

The holidays are nearing and unfortunately many seniors feel even more isolated during this time. Thankfully, technology has provided some interactive gadgets to help lessen feelings of isolation. One of those gadgets, called the GrandPad, is discussed below. The internet…

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Can an Entire Generation Skip Retirement Planning?

Planning a funeral seems to be more appealing than for the hard truths about aging, which include illness, discomfort and often, a loss of dignity. Always going their own way, boomers seem to have decided it’s okay to plan a…

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