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Who Should Manage Your Financial Well Being?

Who should you trust to manage your finances when you are no longer able to do so? A power of attorney (POA), otherwise known as an agent to your principal, has the legal authority to represent and make decisions on…

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Speaking with Parents About Finances

It is essential that as your parents' age, you have conversations with them about their finances. To broach the topic, you might bring up current events like the coronavirus pandemic, its effect on economic conditions, and how it relates to…

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Helping Seniors Avoid Loneliness

The medically recommended protocols for social distancing and government mandates that restrict large gatherings of Americans to slow the spread of the coronavirus are minimizing our abilities to interact with each other. This isolation holds especially true for those seniors…

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Protecting Those Close to You During the Pandemic

With COVID-19 wreaking havoc on American families right now, it is more important than ever to be prepared should you or a loved one get sick and become unable to make decisions on your own. Banks, insurance companies, and medical…

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estate planning online

Complete Your Estate Planning Online

As you have probably heard by now, keeping physical distance between us is crucial to stop this virus. Call or email us to find out how we can help you complete your estate plan without taking a single step outside…

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senior living trends

The Latest Senior Living Trends

Health Dimensions Group (HDG) has released its list for 2020 entitled "Top Trends in Aging Services: Preparing for Historic Changes." As the silver tsunami of baby boomers continues to enter the senior living and care organizations markets, the general response…

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elderly parent care

Guide for Elderly Parent Care

Aging is something you cannot escape, and it affects all family systems. It can be challenging for adult children to imagine their parents as seniors and to understand and respond to the reality that each parent will age differently. Even…

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estate planning

The Importance of Estate Planning

When it comes to establishing wills and estate plans, older Americans outpace their younger counterparts. Still, a significant number — 19 percent of those over age 72 and 42 percent of those between 53 and 71, according to survey data…

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healthy lifestyle

5 Rules to Live Longer

It is no secret that a healthy lifestyle has a significant impact on your well-being and the earlier you implement a healthy lifestyle strategy, the greater the potential benefit regarding your longevity. Your lifespan can be increased by as much…

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